Also, just to piggyback on that last announcement, the MGM Coalition is looking for volunteers to help decorate the chain link fence around the football field. It will be a huge project and the more help the better! It will be a similar design to the Tiger Cub Playground fence at the elementary, but much larger. They are going to start the project on July 19 at 9:00 am. Show up to the football field if you are willing to help decorate the fence!
over 2 years ago, Louie Krogman
Happy Friday morning! Congratulations are in store for Joyce Glynn and the MGM Coalition as it has been selected to receive this year's ASBSD Community Service Award! Mrs. Glynn will be recognized at the at the ASBSD Annual Convention Awards Banquet in Sioux Falls on August 4, 2022. This is so well deserved, we appreciate everything the MGM Coalition does for our students and community.
over 2 years ago, Louie Krogman
The Norris Elementary Eagles have a new leader. We are excited to welcome Mr. Brian Sieh to the district as the new principal!
over 2 years ago, Louie Krogman
Happy Monday, it is a busy day at the school! We would like to welcome all of the Tiger Basketball Campers to our facility. We hope you all learn a lot and have fun!
over 2 years ago, Louie Krogman
WHITE RIVER SCHOOL DISTRICT 47-1 SCHOOL BOARD MEETING July 11, 2022 6:30 PM A. ROUTINES--ORDER A-1 CHAIRMAN CALLS THE MEETING TO ORDER A-2 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG A-3 ROLL CALL A-4 ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS A-5 APPROVE AGENDA B. Old Business B-1 Approval of the Minutes Approval of the Financial Reports Approval of payment of Accounts Payable for June 2022 Approval to Transfer Money Approval to approve Supplemental Budget B-2 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION—is placed first on the Agenda to accommodate (1) a school patron who wishes to address the Board; or, (2) a patron who wishes to present a proposal or concern; or, (3) to a patron who has provided the Board Chairman with a written grievance prior to the meeting which has not been resolved after the school patron has worked through the school organization. (Working through the organization means the school patron has met with the staff member, as appropriate; and with the principal, as needed; and/or, then with the superintendent.) If these meetings have been held and the grievance remains unsolved, the Board will deal with the written grievance at its meeting. If not, the Board shall proceed, without interruption, with the other business of the Board. Personnel matters of a controversial nature, which would include students, teachers, or other persons, shall not be discussed by the Board in open session with a school patron. A school patron may request an executive session with the Board. (An executive session may be granted at the Board’s discretion; and, only after the Board’s business is concluded. This is an accommodation to other school patrons who are attending this meeting.) Anyone wishing to speak to the Board must be acknowledged by the Board Chairman. This will permit the meeting to be handled in an orderly manner. Speakers are requested to identify themselves and their topic and are asked to limit their remarks to five (5) minutes. Thank you for your attendance, interest, and participation. B-2A – Resolution of Appreciation NEW BUSINESS B-3 Oath of Office B-4-5 Nominate/Elect Chairman B-6 Nominate/Elect Vice-Chairman B-7 Custodian of Accounts B-8-10 Conflict of Interests B-11 Consolidated Application C. Budget Hearing 1. Approve the Budget D. PERSONNEL AND OTHER ACTION ITEMS D-1 Second Presentation – The Parent/Student Handbook D-1 Approve – The Parent/Student Handbook D-2 Pay Bills D-3 Time, date, and Place for Meetings D-4 Set Travel and Per Diem for Board D-5 Board Committees D-6-21 Adopt Standing Board Authorizations D-22 Adopt PL 103-382 D-23 Technology Committee D-24 Contract with Consumer Driven Technologies D-25 Approve Auditors D-26 Travel Requests E. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT 1. SASD Deadwood Leadership Conference Summary 2. Openings 3. Facility Updates F. EXECUTIVE SESSION(s) as needed G. ADJOURNMENT
over 2 years ago, Louie Krogman
The SDHSAA Summer Moratorium is from July 1-July 7. This is a time period restricting access to White River athletic facilities, including the weight room. Please see the SDHSSA rules below. SDHSAA Moratorium Rules: a. From July 1 - July 7 annually, no contact may take place between student-athletes and their coaches. This period shall be known as the summer “moratorium.” This restriction on activity includes any team contact, individual contact, private lesson, open gym or other situation wherein coaches will interact with student-athletes in an activity setting for any SDHSAA-Sanctioned Activity wherein coaching, guidance or supervision is provided. b. Coaches must abstain from any activity with their student-athletes during this time that could fall under the auspices as previously listed in this section. i. Clarification One – Coaches cannot schedule any team activity for their players, including camp participation, open gyms, conditioning programs or outside entities providing instruction, during the moratorium period. ii. Clarification Two – Coaches must make every attempt to not participate in any situation that could fall under the definitions as listed previously in this section. iii. Clarification Three – Coaches and Schools must refrain from allowing non-school personnel access to facilities, equipment or resources during the moratorium
over 2 years ago, Louie Krogman
The MS gym is closed until further notice for renovations. The HS gym is closed Sunday, May 29 and Monday May 30 for a Memorial Day program.
almost 3 years ago, Tom Cameron
Congratulations to Mr. David Monnens on being selected as the new White River Middle School principal! We look forward to your commitment to the community and effort to make the middle school a positive place for students and staff.
almost 3 years ago, White River Middle School
WRHS theatre seats- FREE, you pick them up. They come in sections of 3 and 4. Could be singles or pairs with some reconfiguring. They have two legs with bolt holes to secure them down to something. If interested stop by the HS theatre.
almost 3 years ago, Tom Cameron
theatre seats
theatre seats
There is a retirement celebration for John Gross, Michele Astleford, Karla Mallory, and Kent Green today from 2:00-4:00 pm in the WRMS gym. This is open to the public to stop in and wish them a happy retirement!
almost 3 years ago, White River Middle School
HS TRACK AT REGION 7B MEET 5/19/22 High school track will compete in the Region 7B meet today at Kadoka, starts at 10:00 (central) (field events), and 11:00 am (central) (running events). Good luck Tigers!!
almost 3 years ago, Eldon Marshall
The WRMS 8th Grade Celebration will begin at 1:00 pm today in the high school gym!
almost 3 years ago, White River Middle School
HS TRACK AT WALL 5/16/22 High school track will compete at Wall today, field events will start at 12:00 pm (central) and running events will start at 2:00 pm (central). Good luck Tigers!!
almost 3 years ago, Eldon Marshall
HS GOLF AT BH CLASSIC (HART RANCH) 5/16/22 High school golf will compete at the Black Hills Classic at Hart Ranch today, starts at 10:30 am (central). Good luck Tigers!!
almost 3 years ago, Eldon Marshall
White River School District 47-1 School Board Meeting May 17, 2022 7:00 PM A. ROUTINES—ORDER A-1 Chairman calls the meeting to order. A-2 Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. A-3 Chairman calls on the Business Manager to record the roll: A-4 Additions or deletions to this agenda. A-5 Approve agenda for this meeting. B-1 Motion to approve Preliminary Budget for 2022-23. C-1 Motion to adjourn into executive session as per SDCL 1-25-2 for student, personnel, legal, and negotiation matters. D-1 Motion to adjourn the meeting.
almost 3 years ago, Tom Cameron
HS GOLF AT FISH LAKE INVITE (PLANKINTON) 5/13/22 High school golf will compete at the Fish Lake Invite today at Plankinton, starts at 10:00 am (central). Good luck Tigers!!
almost 3 years ago, Eldon Marshall
MS/HS TRACK AT WGP CONF MEET (MARTIN) 5/12/22 Middle school and high school track will compete in the Western Great Plains conference meet today at Martin, field events will start at 10:30 am (central), running events at 12:30 pm (central). Let's goooo Tigers!!
almost 3 years ago, Eldon Marshall
The WRMS 8th Grade Celebration is scheduled for Wednesday, May 18 @ 1:00 pm. The event will take place in the high school gym. This event is open for everyone in the public to attend. We look forward to seeing you all there!
almost 3 years ago, White River Middle School
HS TRACK AT CAPITAL CITY QUALIFIER 5/10/22 Livestream link here:
almost 3 years ago, Eldon Marshall
MS/JV GOLF AT WALL 5/10/22 MS/JV golf will compete at Wall today, starts at 3:00 pm (central). Good luck Tigers!!
almost 3 years ago, Eldon Marshall