This is a reminder that the 6-12 Fines Arts program is in the HS gym tonight at 7 pm and the WR Elementary program is Tuesday, May 3 at 7 pm. Please have the elementary students report to the MS gym at 6:45 pm.
over 2 years ago, Tom Cameron
Louie Krogman has been selected as the superintendent for the WRSD. CONGRATULATIONS LOUIE!!! I would like to commend the school board for doing a thorough search including involving staff and patrons of the district during the process. Thank you for a job well done!
over 2 years ago, Tom Cameron
(6-12) FINE ARTS PROGRAM 5/2/22 The (6-12) Fine Arts Program will be on Monday, May 2nd, it will start at 7:00 pm. (this was originally scheduled on Thursday, May 5th but moved because of a conflict)
over 2 years ago, Eldon Marshall
This week we started the one-way street, EAST TO WEST ( E 3d St), in front of the Lower Elementary from 7:15-8:15 am and 3:15-4:00 pm. Also, No Parking on the south side of the street during school hours. Hopefully this will help with the student's delivery and pickup process.
over 2 years ago, Tom Cameron
The White River School District is seeking local ranchers to be a part of our “Beef in Schools” pilot program for the 2022-2023 school year. As a district, we are looking to provide tasty, locally grown beef for our food service program. We are looking for seven head of beef to be donated to the White River School District for processing and use in our food service program. The beef that will be used in this program are market steers, open heifers, or cull cows. We are scheduled to process four animals in July and three in December. All expenses for delivery and processing will be paid for by the White River School District. Our first beef will be ready when we kickoff the 2022-2023 school term in August! If you are interested in donating an animal to this program or have any questions, please contact Kim Olson at 605-259-3196.
over 2 years ago, Tom Cameron