WHITE RIVER SCHOOL DISTRICT 47-1 SCHOOL BOARD MEETING OCTOBER 12, 2022 6:30 PM A. ROUTINES--ORDER A-1 CHAIRMAN CALLS THE MEETING TO ORDER A-2 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG A-3 ROLL CALL A-4 ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS A-5 APPROVE AGENDA B. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION—is placed first on the Agenda to accommodate (1) a school patron who wishes to address the Board; or, (2) a patron who wishes to present a proposal or concern; or, (3) to a patron who has provided the Board Chairman with a written grievance prior to the meeting which has not been resolved after the school patron has worked through the school organization. (Working through the organization means the school patron has met with the staff member, as appropriate; and with the principal, as needed; and/or, then with the superintendent.) If these meetings have been held and the grievance remains unsolved, the Board will deal with the written grievance at its meeting. If not, the Board shall proceed, without interruption, with the other business of the Board. Personnel matters of a controversial nature, which would include students, teachers, or other persons, shall not be discussed by the Board in open session with a school patron. A school patron may request an executive session with the Board. (An executive session may be granted at the Board’s discretion; and, only after the Board’s business is concluded. This is an accommodation to other school patrons who are attending this meeting.) Anyone wishing to speak to the Board must be acknowledged by the Board Chairman. This will permit the meeting to be handled in an orderly manner. Speakers are requested to identify themselves and their topic and are asked to limit their remarks to five (5) minutes. Thank you for your attendance, interest, and participation. C. ROUTINES--BUSINESS C-1 Minutes, Financial Reports, Payment of Bills, Financial Report to the SD Department of Education, and Money Transfers D. PERSONNEL AND OTHER ACTION ITEMS D-1 Principal’s Reports D-2 Travel Reports D-3 Travel Requests D-4 Inclement Weather Procedures D-5 Amend Start School Plan E SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT E-1 Facilities Update F. EXECUTIVE SESSION(s) as needed G. ADJOURNMENT
about 2 years ago, Louie Krogman
Tomorrow October 13th at 11:29 to 12:25 (5th period) there will be a Live FASFA webinar for seniors and senior parent/ guardians, in Mr. Beardt's room. Thank you!
about 2 years ago, Louie Krogman
Flu shots will be available Monday, October 17th at 9 am, for White River School District Students and staff in town who are enrolled with IHS. Public Health Nurses from Rosebud will be conducting the flu shot clinic. Consent forms will be sent home with elementary students today and can also be found in your student's school office. Flu shots for Norris School will be Wednesday the 19th with consent forms going out this week.
about 2 years ago, Louie Krogman
CC AT REGION 5B MEET AT PHILIP 10/12/22 Tigers cross country will compete at the Region 5B meet tomorrow, Wednesday-October 12th, at 11:00 am (central). (This meet was originally scheduled for 1:00 pm (central) but due to the forecasted weather/winds it's going to start earlier.) Good luck Tigers!!
about 2 years ago, Eldon Marshall
Good afternoon, This is Supt Krogman with an announcement about today’s middle school volleyball match vs. Todd County. Originally Todd County called to cancel the volleyball match due to lack of transportation. Later they contacted our school and wanted to play the match, so the middle school volleyball match will be played today in the Don Barnhart Gymnasium beginning with the C-team match at 4:30 pm. We apologize for the confusion. Go Tigers!
about 2 years ago, Louie Krogman
MS VB VS TODD CO 10/11/22 Middle school volleyball will play vs Todd County today in White River in the Barnhart gymnasium, C match will start at 4:30 pm followed by the B and A matches. Good luck Tigers!
about 2 years ago, Eldon Marshall
HS VB AT KADOKA AREA 10/11/22 The Lady Tigers will play at Kadoka Area tonight, JV match will start at 6:30 pm (central) followed by the Varsity match. Livestream link: https://youtu.be/TwncRwdhV5s Good luck Lady Tigers!!
about 2 years ago, Eldon Marshall
MS VB VS TODD CO 10/11/22 Middle school volleyball will play vs Todd County today in White River in the Barnhart gymnasium, C match will start at 4:30 pm followed by the B and A matches. Good luck Tigers!
about 2 years ago, Eldon Marshall
HS VB AT BENNETT CO 10/10/22 The Lady Tigers will play at Bennett Co tonight, JV match will start at 6:30 pm (central) followed by the Varsity match. Livestream here: https://youtu.be/mUB0CYKFoik Let's gooo Lady Tigers!!
about 2 years ago, Eldon Marshall
Congrats to White River middle school volleyball, Colome tourney champs!!
about 2 years ago, Eldon Marshall
CC AT PHILIP INVITE 10/8/22 Cross country will run at thr Philip Invite today, starts at 11:00 am (central), schedule attached.
about 2 years ago, Eldon Marshall
MS VB AT COLOME TOURNEY 10/8/22 Middle school volleyball will play at the Colome Tourney today, started at 9:00 am (central), rolling schedule, bracket attached.
about 2 years ago, Eldon Marshall
MS FB AT PHILIP JAMBOREE 10/8/22 Middle school football will play at the Philip Jamboree today, starts at 10:00 am (central). Schedule attached!
about 2 years ago, Eldon Marshall
What a way to cap off a great Homecoming Week! Great come-from-behind victory by the White River Tiger football team as they defeat New Underwood by a score of 32-28. Finish out the season strong next week!
about 2 years ago, Louie Krogman
Happy Homecoming! The alumni tailgate will begin at 5:30 pm at the football field, followed by the game beginning at 7:00 pm. Go White River Tigers!
about 2 years ago, Louie Krogman
HS FB VS NEW UNDERWOOD 10/7/22 Tigers football will play vs New Underwood tonight, kick off will be at 7:00 pm (central). Good luck Tigers!!
about 2 years ago, Eldon Marshall
MS VB AT ST FRANCIS 10/6/22 Middle school volleyball will play at St. Francis today, C match starts at 4:30 pm followed by the B and A matches. Let's go Tigers!!
about 2 years ago, Eldon Marshall
HS VB VS TODD CO 10/4/22 Livestream links: JV MATCH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49bfbREZ9Yg VARSITY MATCH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCpWWam1Z_M
about 2 years ago, Eldon Marshall
MS VB VS KADOKA AREA 10/4/22 Middle school volleyball will play vs Kadoka Area today, B match will start at 5:00 pm (central) followed by the A match. Good luck Tigers!!
about 2 years ago, Eldon Marshall
CC AT JONES CO INVITE 10/4/22  Cross country will run at the Jones County Invite today, starts at 2:30 pm (central). Good luck Tigers!!
about 2 years ago, Eldon Marshall