FCCLA Candy Grams
On sale January 23rd – February 10th – will take late orders up to
12 pm on Tuesday, February 11th, 2025------
Candy type might be substituted on late orders.
Will be delivered on Thursday, Feb.13
“Money is collected at time of sale”
“Make checks to White River FCCLA”
Candy Bouquet – 5 candy options of your choice – personalized message - $15
$2.00 – regular candy grams
1. You “O’fish’ally” have my heart! – Be my Valentine!
(Cheddar Goldfish Crackers)
2. When it comes to Special- You are It! – Please be mine!
(Cheeze- It Crackers)
3. You’re a Special Treat! Be my Valentine! (Rice Krispies)
4. Don’t play “TWIX” on my heart – Be my Valentine!
(TWIX candy bars)
5. You are the SWEETEST person!– Be my Valentine! (Hersheys Chocolate Candy Bar)
6. You Deserve a Break Today – Have a Kit Kat! Be my Valentine!
(Kit Kat)
7. You will always be my STAR! Be my Valentine!
(Star Burst)
8. I couldn’t afford the pot of gold, so I got you the rainbow instead. Please be mine! (Skittles)
9. There are so many “Reese”ons you’re the best! Be my Valentine! (Reese’s Cups)
Contact Morgan Kinsley or a FCCLA member in the High School to place your order today!